Connect Sync2 to a Thor Solo Node

This tutorial will provide a step by step guide for running a Thor solo node and connecting it to the Sync2 wallet. The Thor solo node is a sandbox development mode for the VeChainThor blockchain, that can be started (and is only available) on a single server. It is not publicly accessible and the generated blocks will be lost if the solo node is stopped.

Step 1 : Launch the solo node

Run Thor solo with the following docker command or follow the tutorial.

docker run -p vechain/thor:latest solo --api-cors '*' --api-addr

This will launch a solo node with the following configuration:

  • On a localhost using port 8669

  • Using the latest release of thor solo

  • Accepting all cross origin requests

  • Allowing all remote connections

Step 2 : Connect Sync2 node to solo node

Sync2 is designed to work with all mainstream web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Safari, MS Edge, Firefox, etc), desktop, and mobile devices.

The main advantage and purpose of Sync2 is the massive simplification of dApps and dApp usage. All editions of Sync2, no matter whether the native app is built for desktop or mobile or the automatically invoked SPA version, are designed to appear and function pretty much in the same way, therefore providing a consistent and comfortable user experience for users across different OS and devices.

Get Sync2

Follow the instructions here Sync2 to download and install the Sync2 wallet.

Connect Sync2 to solo node

Step1: Add node

  1. Click Settings.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Enter the node's url http:localhost:8669.

  4. Click Add to add node.

Step2: Import the solo built-in wallet

  1. Select Private.

  2. Click Import.

  3. Enter the mnemonic words for the Thor solo node built-in wallet.

Mnemonic phrase of the Thor solo node built-in wallet:

denial kitchen pet squirrel other broom bar gas better priority spoil cross

Do not use the above mnemonic phrase to secure mainnet assets. The funds will not be secure as the mnemonic is exposed.

  1. Enter your password to authorize the import

Congrats! You have successfully connected to a Thor solo node with the Sync2 wallet, and you can now deploy/integrate by using inspector or you can check out the

Step 3: Launch Devpal

Devpal is a set of tools to help your develop and test on a Thor solo mode and start your blockchain journey smoothly. Devpal contains two tools:

  • Insight: a serverless VeChain explorer. It allows you to explore and search for blocks, transactions, and accounts. Mainnet and Testnet links.

  • Inspector: a tool that allows you to deploy and interact with the contract. Available here.

You can simply run devpal by running the following command:

npx @vechain/devpal

http://locahost:8669 is set as the default node url.

If you want to change it, please use npx @vechain/devpal [Thor REST URL]

Last updated