
Switch Language

  1. Click Language

  2. Choose your language from the list

  3. Click to set your preferred language

Change Password

  1. Click Password

  2. Enter your password to authorise the password setup

  3. Enter your new password

  4. Enter your password again for confirmation

Biometric Authentication (Mobile only)

  1. Click Biometric Authentication

  2. Enter your password

  3. Biometric verification

Following scenario required your biometric authentication

  1. Wallet action(remove, backup, generate, import)

  2. General(change password, enable biometric authentication)

  3. Signing a Transaction or certificate

Token List

  1. Click Tokens

  2. Choose the token from the token list

  3. Toggle on to enable

Nodes Management

Nodes are the primary communication bridge of the blockchain. If the default node's connection speed in your region is not ideal, you can manage it in the following ways.

Add node

  1. Click Node

  2. Enter the node's url with http or https

  3. Click Add to add node

Change Node

  1. Choose the node from the node list

  2. Click to set your preferred node

Delete Node

  1. Choose the node from the node list

Last updated