Block Model

An introduction and overview of the VeChainThor blockchain block model.

VeChainThor defines a block in Golang as:

// block.go

type Block struct {
	header *Header
	txs    tx.Transactions

type Header struct {
	body headerBody

type headerBody struct {
	ParentID    thor.Bytes32
	Timestamp   uint64
	GasLimit    uint64
	Beneficiary thor.Address

	GasUsed    uint64
	TotalScore uint64

	TxsRoot      thor.Bytes32
	StateRoot    thor.Bytes32
	ReceiptsRoot thor.Bytes32

	Signature []byte

type Transactions []*Transaction
  • ParentID - the ID of the parent block.

  • Timestamp - the block time

  • GasLimit - the maximum amount of gas that all transactions inside the block are allowed to consume

  • Beneficiary - the address assigned by the block generator to receive reward (in VTHO)

  • GasUsed - the actual amount of gas used within the block

  • TxsRoot - root hash of the transaction in the payload

  • StateRoot - root hash for the global state after applying changes in this block

  • ReceiptsRoot - hash of the transaction receipts trie

  • Signature - signature of block builder

The block ID (thor.Bytes32) can be computed as:

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