
How to customize your wallet


Conversion Currency

You can choose among the supported FIAT currencies (EUR, USD)


You can anytime switch between the dark or light theme, or just use your device settings.


You can hard reset your wallet, and clear all your local data. This action cannot be reverted.

If you are going to reset your wallet without your backups properly saved, you'll loose access to all your assets.


Default delegation

You can select the default delegation for your transactions.

Delegations URLs

You can create a shortlist of delegation urls you could choose easily from.



You can choose between Mainnet or Testnet. You could also use a custom node.


You can manage a list of favourite contacts, to make the trasaction creation process easier.

Security and Privacy

Security Method

You can choose your favorite security method. Downgrading the level of security is not allowed.

Backup mnemonic

You can export a local wallet; your password will be required.

Connected Applications**

You can see and manage the list of DApps you interacted with.

About VeWorld

Here you can see:

  • the release number of your current version.

  • the Official Website

  • the privacy policy

  • the help platform

Last updated