The VeChain SDK provides comprehensive support for handling transactions. Developers can initialize a transaction by assembling the transaction body, adding clauses, and finally signing and sending the transaction.
⚠️ Warning: All the examples listed below refer to low level transaction building. The VeChain SDK provides built-in methods to sign and send transactions. Please refer to the contracts section for more information.
To break it down:
Initializing a Transaction: Developers can create a transaction by specifying the necessary details in the transaction body. This includes setting the chain tag, block reference, expiration, gas price coefficient, gas limit, and other relevant transaction parameters.
Adding Clauses: Clauses are the individual actions that the transaction will perform on the VeChainThor blockchain. Each clause contains information such as the recipient's address, the amount of VET to be transferred, and additional data, if required.
Signing the Transaction: After assembling the transaction body with the appropriate clauses, developers can sign the transaction using their private key. Signing the transaction ensures its authenticity and prevents tampering during transmission.
Example: Signing and Decoding
In this example a simple transaction with a single clause is created, signed, encoded and then decoded
On the VeChainThor blockchain a transaction can be composed of multiple clauses.
Clauses are a feature of the VeChainThor blockchain that increase the scalability of the blockchain by enabling the sending of multiple payloads to different recipients within a single transaction.
// 1 - Define multiple clausesconstclauses:TransactionClause[] = [Clause.transferVET(Address.of('0x7567d83b7b8d80addcb281a71d54fc7b3364ffed'),VET.of(10000) ) asTransactionClause,Clause.transferToken(Address.of(VTHO_ADDRESS),Address.of('0x7567d83b7b8d80addcb281a71d54fc7b3364ffed'),VTHO.of(10000) ) asTransactionClause];// 2 - Calculate intrinsic gas of both clausesconstgas=Number(Transaction.intrinsicGas(clauses).wei);// 3 - Body of transactionconstbody:TransactionBody= { chainTag:networkInfo.mainnet.chainTag, blockRef:'0x0000000000000000', expiration:32, clauses, gasPriceCoef:0, gas, dependsOn:null, nonce:12345678};// Create private keyconstprivateKey=awaitSecp256k1.generatePrivateKey();// 4 - Sign transactionconstsignedTransaction=Transaction.of(body).sign(privateKey);// 5 - Encode transactionconstencodedRaw=signedTransaction.encoded;// 6 - Decode transactionconstdecodedTx=Transaction.decode(encodedRaw,true);
Example: Fee Delegation
Fee delegation is a feature on the VeChainThor blockchain which enables the transaction sender to request another entity, a sponsor, to pay for the transaction fee on the sender's behalf.
// Sender account with private keyconstsenderAccount= { privateKey:'f9fc826b63a35413541d92d2bfb6661128cd5075fcdca583446d20c59994ba26', address:'0x7a28e7361fd10f4f058f9fefc77544349ecff5d6'};// 1 - Create thor client for solo networkconstthorSoloClient=ThorClient.fromUrl(THOR_SOLO_URL, { isPollingEnabled:false});// 2 - Define clause and estimate gasconstclauses:TransactionClause[] = [Clause.transferVET(Address.of('0x7567d83b7b8d80addcb281a71d54fc7b3364ffed'),VET.of(10000) ) asTransactionClause];// Get gas estimateconstgasResult=awaitthorSoloClient.gas.estimateGas( clauses,senderAccount.address);// 3 - Define transaction bodyconstbody:TransactionBody= { chainTag:networkInfo.mainnet.chainTag, blockRef:'0x0000000000000000', expiration:0, clauses, gasPriceCoef:0, gas:gasResult.totalGas, dependsOn:null, nonce:1, reserved: { features:1// set the transaction to be delegated }};// 4 - Create private keys of sender and delegateconstnodeDelegate=HDKey.fromMnemonic(Mnemonic.of());constdelegatorPrivateKey=nodeDelegate.privateKey;// 5 - Get address of delegateconstdelegatorAddress=Address.ofPublicKey(nodeDelegate.publicKey).toString();// 6 - Sign transaction as sender and delegateconstsignedTransaction=Transaction.of(body).signWithDelegator(HexUInt.of(senderAccount.privateKey).bytes,HexUInt.of(delegatorPrivateKey).bytes);// 7 - Encode transactionconstencodedRaw=signedTransaction.encoded;// 8 - Decode transaction and checkconstdecodedTx=Transaction.decode(encodedRaw,true);
Example: BlockRef and Expiration
Using the BlockRef and Expiration fields a transaction can be set to be processed or expired by a particular block. BlockRef should match the first eight bytes of the ID of the block. The sum of BlockRef and Expiration defines the height of the last block that the transaction can be included.
// 1 - Define clausesconstclauses:TransactionClause[] = [Clause.transferVET(Address.of('0x7567d83b7b8d80addcb281a71d54fc7b3364ffed'),VET.of(1000) ) asTransactionClause];// 2 - Define transaction bodyconstbody:TransactionBody= { chainTag:networkInfo.mainnet.chainTag, blockRef:'0x00ffecb8ac3142c4',// first 8 bytes of block id from block #16772280 expiration:32,// tx will expire after block #16772280 + 32 clauses, gasPriceCoef:0, gas: HexUInt.of(Transaction.intrinsicGas(clauses).wei).toString(), // use thor.gas.estimateGas() for better estimation
dependsOn:null, nonce:1};// 3 - Create private keyconstprivateKey=awaitSecp256k1.generatePrivateKey();// 4 - Sign transactionconstsignedTransaction=Transaction.of(body).sign(privateKey);// 5 - Encode transactionconstencodedRaw=signedTransaction.encoded;// 6 - Decode transaction and checkconstdecodedTx=Transaction.decode(encodedRaw,true);
Example: Transaction Dependency
A transaction can be set to only be processed after another transaction, therefore defining an execution order for transactions. The DependsOn field is the Id of the transaction on which the current transaction depends on. If the transaction does not depend on others DependsOn can be set to null
// 1 - Define transaction clausesconsttxAClauses:TransactionClause[] = [Clause.transferVET(Address.of('0x7567d83b7b8d80addcb281a71d54fc7b3364ffed'),VET.of(1000) ) asTransactionClause];consttxBClauses:TransactionClause[] = [Clause.transferVET(Address.of('0x7ccadeea14dd6727845b58f8aa7aad0f41a002a2'),VET.of(1) )];// 2 - Define transaction A with no dependencies// @NOTE: This transaction has nonce = 1consttxABody:TransactionBody= { chainTag:networkInfo.mainnet.chainTag, blockRef:'0x0000000000000000', expiration:0, clauses: txAClauses, gasPriceCoef:0, gas: HexUInt.of(Transaction.intrinsicGas(txAClauses).wei).toString(), // use thor.gas.estimateGas() for better estimation
dependsOn:null, nonce:1};// 3 - Define transaction B with nonce = 2// @NOTE: at the moment dependsOn is nullconsttxBBody:TransactionBody= { chainTag:networkInfo.mainnet.chainTag, blockRef:'0x0000000000000000', expiration:0, clauses: txBClauses, gasPriceCoef:0, gas: HexUInt.of(Transaction.intrinsicGas(txBClauses).wei).toString(), // use thor.gas.estimateGas() for better estimation
dependsOn:null, nonce:2};// Define the senders private keyconstsenderPrivateKey=awaitSecp256k1.generatePrivateKey();// To define transaction B as dependent on transaction// it's necessary to sign transaction A, and then get its Id// and set that Id into transaction B's dependsOn field// 4 - Get Tx A idconsttxASigned=Transaction.of(txABody).sign(senderPrivateKey);// 5 - Set it inside tx BtxBBody.dependsOn;// 6 - Sign Tx BconsttxBSigned=Transaction.of(txBBody).sign(senderPrivateKey);// 7 - encode Tx BconstrawTxB=txBSigned.encoded;// Check (we can decode Tx B)constdecodedTx=Transaction.decode(rawTxB,true);
Example: Transaction Simulation
Simulation can be used to check if a transaction will fail before sending it. It can also be used to determine the gas cost of the transaction. Additional fields are needed in the transaction object for the simulation and these conform to the SimulateTransactionOptions interface. Note - the result of a transaction might be different depending on the state(block) you are executing against.
// In this example we simulate a transaction of sending 1 VET to another account// 1 - Create thor client for solo networkconstthorSoloClient=ThorClient.fromUrl(THOR_SOLO_URL);// 2 - create the transaction for a VET transferconsttransaction1= { clauses: [Clause.transferVET(Address.of('0xb717b660cd51109334bd10b2c168986055f58c1a'),VET.of(1) ) asTransactionClause ],// Please note - this field one of the optional fields that may be passed (see SimulateTransactionOptions),// and is only required if you want to simulate a transaction simulateTransactionOptions: { caller:'0x7a28e7361fd10f4f058f9fefc77544349ecff5d6' }};// 3 - Simulate the transactionconstsimulatedTx1=awaitthorSoloClient.transactions.simulateTransaction(transaction1.clauses, {...transaction1.simulateTransactionOptions });
Delegation with Private Key: Here, we'll extend the previous example by incorporating fee delegation. The transaction sender will delegate the transaction fee payment to another entity (delegator), and we'll guide you through the steps of building, signing, and sending such a transaction.
import { expect } from'expect';// START_SNIPPET: FullFlowDelegatorPrivateKeySnippet// 1 - Create the thor clientconstthorSoloClient=ThorClient.fromUrl(THOR_SOLO_URL, { isPollingEnabled:false});// Sender account with private keyconstsenderAccount: { privateKey:string; address:string } = { privateKey:'f9fc826b63a35413541d92d2bfb6661128cd5075fcdca583446d20c59994ba26', address:'0x7a28e7361fd10f4f058f9fefc77544349ecff5d6'};// Delegator account with private keyconstdelegatorAccount: { privateKey:string; address:string } = { privateKey:'521b7793c6eb27d137b617627c6b85d57c0aa303380e9ca4e30a30302fbc6676', address:'0x062F167A905C1484DE7e75B88EDC7439f82117DE'};// Create the provider (used in this case to sign the transaction with getSigner() method)constproviderWithDelegationEnabled=newVeChainProvider(// Thor client used by the provider thorSoloClient,// Internal wallet used by the provider (needed to call the getSigner() method)newProviderInternalBaseWallet( [ { privateKey:HexUInt.of(senderAccount.privateKey).bytes, address:senderAccount.address } ], { delegator: { delegatorPrivateKey:delegatorAccount.privateKey } } ),// Enable fee delegationtrue);// 2 - Create the transaction clausesconsttransaction= { clauses: [Clause.transferVET(Address.of('0xb717b660cd51109334bd10b2c168986055f58c1a'),VET.of(1) ) asTransactionClause ], simulateTransactionOptions: { caller:senderAccount.address }};// 3 - Estimate gasconstgasResult=awaitthorSoloClient.gas.estimateGas(transaction.clauses,transaction.simulateTransactionOptions.caller);// 4 - Build transaction bodyconsttxBody=awaitthorSoloClient.transactions.buildTransactionBody(transaction.clauses,gasResult.totalGas, { isDelegated:true });// 4 - Sign the transactionconstsigner=awaitproviderWithDelegationEnabled.getSigner(senderAccount.address);constrawDelegateSigned=awaitsigner.signTransaction(signerUtils.transactionBodyToTransactionRequestInput( txBody,senderAccount.address ));constdelegatedSigned=Transaction.decode(HexUInt.of(rawDelegateSigned.slice(2)).bytes,true);// 5 - Send the transactionconstsendTransactionResult=awaitthorSoloClient.transactions.sendTransaction(delegatedSigned);// 6 - Wait for transaction receiptconsttxReceipt=awaitthorSoloClient.transactions.waitForTransaction(;
Delegation with URL: This example will showcase the use of a delegation URL for fee delegation. The sender will specify a delegation URL in the signTransaction options, allowing a designated sponsor to pay the transaction fee. We'll cover the full process, from building clauses to verifying the transaction on-chain.
import { expect } from'expect';// START_SNIPPET: FullFlowDelegatorUrlSnippet// 1 - Create the thor clientconstthorClient=ThorClient.fromUrl(TESTNET_URL, { isPollingEnabled:false});// Sender account with private keyconstsenderAccount: { mnemonic:string; privateKey:string; address:string;} = { mnemonic:'fat draw position use tenant force south job notice soul time fruit', privateKey:'2153c1e49c14d92e8b558750e4ec3dc9b5a6ac4c13d24a71e0fa4f90f4a384b5', address:'0x571E3E1fBE342891778151f037967E107fb89bd0'};// Delegator account with private keyconstdelegatorAccount= { URL:''};// Create the provider (used in this case to sign the transaction with getSigner() method)constproviderWithDelegationEnabled=newVeChainProvider(// Thor client used by the provider thorClient,// Internal wallet used by the provider (needed to call the getSigner() method)newProviderInternalBaseWallet( [ { privateKey:HexUInt.of(senderAccount.privateKey).bytes, address:senderAccount.address } ], { delegator: { delegatorUrl:delegatorAccount.URL } } ),// Enable fee delegationtrue);// 2 - Create the transaction clausesconsttransaction= { clauses: [Clause.transferVET(Address.of('0xb717b660cd51109334bd10b2c168986055f58c1a'),VET.of(1) ) asTransactionClause ], simulateTransactionOptions: { caller:senderAccount.address }};// 3 - Estimate gasconstgasResult=awaitthorClient.gas.estimateGas(transaction.clauses,senderAccount.address);// 4 - Build transaction bodyconsttxBody=awaitthorClient.transactions.buildTransactionBody(transaction.clauses,gasResult.totalGas, { isDelegated:true });// 4 - Sign the transactionconstsigner=awaitproviderWithDelegationEnabled.getSigner(senderAccount.address);constrawDelegateSigned=awaitsigner.signTransaction(signerUtils.transactionBodyToTransactionRequestInput( txBody,senderAccount.address ));constdelegatedSigned=Transaction.decode(HexUInt.of(rawDelegateSigned.slice(2)).bytes,true);// 5 - Send the transactionconstsendTransactionResult=awaitthorClient.transactions.sendTransaction(delegatedSigned);// 6 - Wait for transaction receiptconsttxReceipt=awaitthorClient.transactions.waitForTransaction(;
By examining these complete examples, developers can gain a comprehensive understanding of transaction handling in the VeChain SDK. Each example demonstrates the steps involved in initiating, signing, and sending transactions, as well as the nuances associated with fee delegation.
Errors handling on transactions
You can find the transaction revert reason by using getRevertReason method with the transaction hash.
// Define transaction id'sconsttransactionHash='0x0a5177fb83346bb6ff7ca8408889f0c99f44b2b1b5c8bf6f0eb53c4b2e81d98d';// Get the revert reasonconstrevertReason=awaitthorClient.transactions.getRevertReason(transactionHash);console.log(revertReason);
This method will return the revert reason of the transaction if it failed, otherwise it will return null.
Decoding revert reason when simulating a transaction
Even when using the simulateTransaction method you can find the revert reason.