Using the VeChain dApp kit UI components
import { DAppKitUI } from '@vechain/dapp-kit-ui';
import type { WalletConnectOptions } from '@vechain/dapp-kit';
import type { DAppKitOptions } from '@vechain/dapp-kit-ui';
const walletConnectOptions: WalletConnectOptions = {
// Create your project here:
projectId: '<PROJECT_ID>',
metadata: {
name: 'My dApp',
description: 'My dApp description',
// Your app URL
url: window.location.origin,
// Your app Icon
icons: [`${window.location.origin}/images/my-dapp-icon.png`],
const vechainWalletKitOptions: DAppKitOptions = {
// Required - The URL of the node to connect to
node: '',
// Optional - "main" | "test" | Connex.Thor.Block
network: 'test',
// Optional - Wallet connect options
// Optional - Defaults to false. If true, the account and source will be persisted in local storage
usePersistence: true,
// Optional - Defaults to the first available wallet. Default value is false
useFirstDetectedSource: true,
// Optional - Set a log level to debug the library
logLevel: 'DEBUG'
const dappKit = DAppKitUI.configure(vechainWalletKitOptions);
console.log(`DAppKit configured`,;
Place the custom element in your HTML
<vwk-vechain-dapp-connect-kit mode="DARK"></vwk-vechain-dapp-connect-kit>
Last updated
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