Hardhat Sample Project (Web3)

This page is dedicated to help developers in getting started with our sample hardhat project which utilizes our web3 hardhat plugin to connect hardhat with Thor. This enables developers to be able to deploy and test smart contracts on Thor in a seamless manner using all the known tools provided by hardhat.




First, clone the sample project from our repository

git clone git@github.com:vechain/hardhat-plugin-sample-web3.git
cd hardhat-plugin-sample-web3

Then install the required node modules by running

npm install

Install Vechain's Web3 library

npm i @vechain/web3-providers-connex

Install Vechain's Hardhat plugin

npm i @vechain/hardhat-vechain
npm i @vechain/hardhat-web3

Start Thor

To be able to run the tests on Vechain you need Thor installed, which is Vechain's node implementation. We have a detailed guide on how to do that here.

Running the tests

npx hardhat test --network vechain

Last updated