States & Views

Smart Contracts have the ability to expose variables and functions for sharing their stored data publicly. In order to communicate with a contract, it is essential to have the interface definition, which can be retrieved either from a JSON file or from the function definition in the source code.

Example Data

This example used below will utilize the VTHO contract, which manages VeChain's VTHO Token.

executeCall(address, fragment, args, opts)

Retrieving information is "calling" a function within a contract, which can be variables, view functions, and even functions that alter the state for simulation purposes.

contracts.executeCall is used to interact with smart contracts by providing: the contract's address as the first argument, the function fragment as the second argument, and optional function parameters as the third argument.

A fourth parameter provides the option to configure blockchain settings, such as specifying a historical revision or indicating the caller of a function.

Without Parameters

For example, if you want to access a basic variable name from a contract, such as the name of the VTHO contract, you can utilize the code snippet below:

const name = await thor.contracts.executeCall(
  'name() returns (string)'
console.log('Name', name);

With Parameters

When calling a function with parameters, the parameters should be passed as a list in the third argument. For instance, to check the balance of a specific address:

const balanceNow = await thor.contracts.executeCall(
  'balanceOf(address _owner) returns (uint256)',
console.log('Balance Now', balanceNow);

Historical Data

To retrieve data from a previous block, you can specify the block number or id by passing in a revision option:

const balancePast = await thor.contracts.executeCall(
  'balanceOf(address _owner) returns (uint256)',
  { revision: 12345678 }
console.log('Balance Past', balancePast);

Simulate Transaction

If a function could change the state, it would require a transaction. To check the success of a transaction, you can invoke the function first and examine the output or handle any potential errors. For example, simulating a transfer that returns true if the caller has at least 1 VTHO:

const transfer = await thor.contracts.executeCall(
  'transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) returns(bool success)',
  ['0x0000000000000000000000000000456e65726779', '1'],
    caller: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
console.log('Transfer Test', transfer);

If the transaction encounters an error, the method call will also throw an error which needs to be handled appropriately.

Example Project

contracts.load(address, abi)

To simplify interaction a dynamic object can be created that can interact with passing less of the repeating arguments.

For example can load the name without the need to pass function signature, address and thor client every time.

Create Contract Object

To create a contract object it needs to be created from the thor client:

import { HttpClient, ThorClient } from '@vechain/sdk-network';
import { ErrorDecoder } from 'ethers-decode-error';
import abi from './energy.json' assert { type: 'json' };

const thor = new ThorClient(new HttpClient(''));
const vtho = thor.contracts.load(

The Contract-Loader always requires a JSON ABI Definition.

Fragments are not supported.

Read Functions

Function calls are encapsulated within a sub-object named read. This enables calling the contract for variable content, viewing functions, or performing simple transaction simulations.

await // returns the name
await // returns balance of address
await, amount) // simulates a transfer 

Read Options

Custom parameters, such as revision or specifying the caller of a function call, can be set for all requests using setContractReadOptions.

// read balance of an address
vtho.setContractReadOptions({ revision: 12345678 });
const balancePast = await
console.log('Balance Past', balancePast);

Example Project

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